I just went to see Black Swan. I've wanted to do ballet lessons for ages (I did a couple in Dubai and tried desperately to get my dancer friend in Cambodia to put on classes, but she didn't), but now I have a renewed interest. I've looked up classes in Bangkok, and I can't wait to start. I'm going to do ballet, pilates, yoga, running and swimming when I move out there.
Additionally, I am starting a new way of eating. Today I had a green smoothie for breakfast (spinach, tofu, mango and flaxseed), brazil nuts for a snack, a sweetcorn laksa for lunch and a choc slim shake for dinner. Also the rest of my pic 'n mix from the cinema. NO MORE CHOCOLATE from now on. I can't be trusted to have any.
Dinners are my hardest time for dieting, so I'm going to cut them out. Once I start, I can't seem to stop, whereas if I know I can't eat then I barely think about food. Sounds mental, I know.
So - project 'look like Natalie Portman in leggings' begins.
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