Sunday, January 23, 2011

Onwards and Upwards

It's been ages since I last blogged. In the time since I last wrote I have left Dubai, spent the summer in the UK, moved to Phnom Penh, left Phnom Penh, spent Christmas in the UK and am now preparing to move to Bangkok.

Also - I have been thinking about the man quite a lot, but I'm getting a bit bored of feeling sorry for myself and lusting after something that will never happen. I’ve been really reluctant to let go. It’s been hard because I am still in contact, but it doesn’t sense to me to cut ties with one of the best people I’ve ever met. So now is the time to get over it and move on. It's a shame, but at the same time It's exciting to reinvent my look, go on some dates with some beautiful boys and take my life off hold for the first time in a year.

This year is about progressing my career, spending time on myself and what I want to do (learn Spanish and ballet as well as getting fit and healthy).

Unfortunately the desire to drop some pounds is still very appealing. I go through periods of self-loathing, chocolate binges and fasting, but overall I am eating pretty well and working to adjust my relationship with food. I am an emotional eater and now that I have decided to move on, I hope that will kick start a more normal approach to eating. That is as dark as this blog will get, I promise. Otherwise, I am pretty happy and normal.

I thought that blogging my food and exercise would help me to see where I'm going wrong. I hope it won’t get tedious!

Today so far:
Large bowl of porridge with soya milk and flaxseed
Hot water and lemon
Detox tea

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