Saturday, February 20, 2010

Must be Mellow

I had a migraine today. My second in as many weeks. This is not normal for me, so I know it is related to the stress I have in my life at the moment. I cried a lot today; at the hairdressers (he asked how I was - I told him and then burst into tears when he put his hands comfortingly on my shoulders- poor man), on the metro (when I went blind in my left eye when my migraine started), when I tried to blindly walk down the street to meet my friend who said he would drive me home, and then again when I got in the car.

I have a feeling this last month in Dubai, and the upheavel that comes with it is affecting me more than I thought it would. I like to think I let things wash over me usually, but this time I am not dealing very well.

I joked with my friend the other day that for lent I am giving up my home, my best friend/ ex boyfriend and my job. It's stressful, even if I am excited about life post Dubai.

I actually had a lovely weekend, but a few little things piled on top of me.

This week I am going to take time to meditate. I neglect my meditating because I am a daydreamer. I now see that allowing your imagination to run riot through daydreaming is not a substitute for focused thought. I need to save my sanity with a little 'me time' every day, as cliched as it sounds. Even though I spend a lot of time alone, I don't allow myself to think; I go on Facebook, or I run, or read.

This week I am going to be focused. When stress if giving you such a big physical signal then you can't ignore it. Two knock-out migraines in two weeks is enough of a sign that I am taking more on than my simple brain can manage!

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